Thursday, August 29, 2013
Panelists: [Note — I didn’t write down who the panelists were. I’m having to look them up from the program. The actual name of the panel was “How to Obtain an Agent”
- John Berlyne
- Joshua Bilmes
- Jaime Moyer
[Note — I just had a series of bullet points for this panel]
- Do the research (be thorough)
- Write from the heart
- Look at acknowledgements in books you like, and books that match your style
- Personalize your query letter when you can
- Use common sense
- Err on the side of caution
- Treat it like a job interview
- Sell one book at a time
- Shy away from exclusive submissions (except for special circumstances)
- Agents take on the author, not the book (so much). Include relevant info.
- Agents like what they like
- Agents will google people they are interested in
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