Books and Stories

My most recent book is a continuation of The Mel Walker Stories called The Psychic on the Jury.

Mel Walker, a psychic that can see the past, speak to ghosts, and see images off of objects by touching them, is summoned to serve on a jury. And not just any case, either. It’s a murder trial. He doesn’t have to worry about misinterpreting the evidence.

But what happens when the prosecution and defense are unevenly matched, and he’s the only one that knows the truth? To do the right thing, he might have to expose his secret, even if it means someone gets hurt.

The Repossessed Ghost, the first Mel Walker story, remains available, now with a new cover!

Most people see themselves when they look in a mirror. But when Mel Walker sees his reflection, he also finds whatever spirits of the dead that may be around.

After seeing a ghost in the rear view mirror of a car he stole, Mel has had to look over his should and go on the run. First when he became a suspect in a murder. Next when he became involved with a group of unusual people the FBI think are murderers.

Whether in New Orleans or Sacramento, Mel must watch his back to stay one step in front of the law. But he doesn’t have to do it alone. Kate is always there by his side, whether either of them like it or not.

How long can Mel stay on the run? Will Mel be able to help Kate, even if it means risking jail? When it’s a ghost you accidentally repossess instead of a car, anything can happen.

One for the Road came out in early 2024, and is a sweet short story by Melissa M. Buhl and me.

When Father Time goes missing, it’s up to Tina and Alexa to track him down and make sure he’s at the annual New Year’s festival and ritual, otherwise the city’s time magic will fall apart. But Father Time is an Old One, and Old Ones don’t like to be pushed around by mortals.

Even with assistance from Mother Nature, how will Tina and Alexa capture Father Time without falling victim to an aging curse? Or worse?

All three of these stories are published by Water Dragon Publishing, an imprint of Paper Angel Press. You can buy these stories from Amazon, or order them directly from the publisher.

Also, you can order them through your local bookstore, or request your library to stock these stories. If you read them, please post a review on Amazon or on Goodreads!

Honorable Mentions

My short story Unclaimed Goods is published in Tales From the Goldilocks Zone, edited by Polly Alice McCann.

Here also are a few short stories posted here.