Book Review: A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck
Yesterday, Melissa and I went to Barnes and Noble. I had a great conversation about books and authors with someone that worked there, and he recommend this book to me. I wouldn’t have found it otherwise, since I mostly hang out in the Fantasy and Science Fiction sections, and this was in General Fiction.
Brian’s Summary:
What if there is one true religion, and it’s Zoroastrianism? The main character, Soren Johansson, a devout Mormon, discovers the truth the hard way, when he dies and goes to Hell. The story is about his journey through a particular hell, in which he must find the book of his life before he can move on to heaven.
The Review:
I’ll try to do this without spoilers, though apparently the book has been out for 13 years or so.
It’s very good! I recommend it.
I appreciate the craft of it. The prose, and the execution. It manages to cover a nearly unimaginable scope of time and space, without losing track of the character and emotional journey.
I’ll say it again: It’s very good.
It’s written in first person. It’s short. Probably around 25,000 words. I easily read it one sitting, with gray daylight streaming in the window and a cat on my lap.
While reading it, I thought I could see something of a puzzle in the story.
When I finished reading it, I sat back and thought about it for a little while. I’m not sure the conclusion is satisfying, but then, I don’t know that there is a satisfying way to conclude this kind of story.
I hadn’t looked at blurbs on the back until I finished. When I did, I discovered a familiar name: Dan Wells. In his blurb, he says ‘it will haunt you, fittingly, for a very, very long time.’ The next time I see Dan, I’ll ask if he still thinks about this story.
I think Michael Gallowglas will enjoy this book. The next time I see him, I’ll give him this copy.
Other Thoughts:
I’m not sure I’m particularly good at book reviews. I’ve only done a couple, and I feel like I should do more.
The problem is that I’m critical about some things that most people don’t care about, and I’m more forgiving about some things that other people complain about. I want to fall into a story and feel something, and if the prose is too cheap or lazy, I’m going to be distracted by that and fail to engage. Once I’m into the story, though, I can forgive and ignore plot holes or inconsistencies, as long as the emotions I’m feeling are real.
I didn’t have those problems reading A Short Stay in Hell. The writing was far from lazy, and the emotions I felt were profound.
If you’ve read it, let me know, and maybe we can talk about it. If you’d like to see more reviews from me, let me know that, too.