Arisia Day 0 – Travel Day
For the next couple of days, I’ll break from the format and just talk about what’s going on with me at Arisia. Perhaps this adventure will be a good story. Here is the beginning.
It’s not quite 10AM and I’m sitting at a table in the airport. I bought a breakfast bagel from Peet’s, along with a decaf Americano that is okay. Melissa sits across from me, her $5 water still unopened. I’m using the airport wifi, which appears to be faster than the internet I get at home. This all sounds ideal, right?
I should have noticed the first hint of trouble last night, when American Airlines sent an email saying, “Are your plans flexible?” No, American Airlines, my plans are not that flexible. If I could get in sooner, that would be better, but all of the options you’re presenting me with will get me to Boston later, and I’m already not too happy with getting in after 10PM. I’ll pass.
This morning, we finished our packing, hopped in my car, and made it to the airport with enough time. It didn’t take too long to find a spot in Economy, and the shuttle driver was fun to talk to. He’s a huge fan of the Kings, and his interest is strong enough that it has me thinking I should watch some highlight reels and get caught up on basketball.
Then we went to check our bags and discovered that we had been rebooked. Oops! We only thought we were going to leave Sacramento on time. The flight is delayed, and since we can’t catch the connecting flight in Phoenix, that’s been rebooked to a later time, with seats that no longer keep Melissa together, or towards the front of the plane.
Here you go, Mr. Buhl. Please enjoy your complimentary downgrade. We hope you like sitting in an airport a few extra hours, and that extra legroom you paid for is no longer available. Did we mention that we’ll reimburse you in any way? Of course not, because that’s not how any of this works.
I hate flying.
Scratch that. I hate airports, airlines, and airport security, and the empire of bullshit we’ve created that makes the miracle of flight something to be despised. I hate anticipating the inconvenience and the discomfort. I hate all of the aspects around flying.
Actually riding in a plane? That part is cool, actually. I’m a nervous flyer, and so the takeoff and landing has me gripping the seat. A few times I’ve been in turbulence that rattled us around like dice in a cup, and that was not super fun. It’s safe for me to say that I find flight exciting, sometimes terrifying, and I respect it and look forward to it. I think it would be amazing to learn to pilot a plane. That’s probably not going to happen during this lifetime, though.
Anyway. That’s all off my chest, now. I’m looking forward to getting to Boston. It looks like sleep will continue to be a scarce commodity going forward.
Let the adventure begin continue.