March Word Count: 4275 (deficit of 2725)
I’m sitting at a table in the Sacramento Convention Center, about 45 minutes early for picking up my Wizard World package. Even after I get my VIP package, it’ll be a little while before I can go in. It’s a good thing I brought my stuff for writing, isn’t it?
I’m not sure what to expect from this convention. There are a lot of names that I recognize, and a lot of people will be here whose work I admire. Other conventions I’ve gone to, there have been panels for me to attend to help me learn more about the business of writing. This convention, I think I’m supposed to just be a fan. I don’t really know how to be a fan.
Comic books used to be a bigger part of my life. I used to collect Ghost Rider, and I followed most of the major Marvel and DC titles for years through my friends. Hell, when I was in college, the owner of the comic book store I used to frequent would let me read stuff in the store, and would answer whatever questions I had about current events. That was a long time ago. Comic books have been eclipsed in my life by other interests.
As I understand it, this convention is about more than comic books. I think it’s a celebration of pop culture, and all of the things that a proper geek is supposed to celebrate. I can get behind that.
I think I’ll have a good time. I’m sure this will be an experience. If I can paint a picture with words, then this post is the before picture, where I’m sitting with all of the excitement and nervousness of a first-time Comic Con attendee. Sunday, I’ll post my afterthoughts.
Sounds like fun!! I look forward to reading your thoughts about it 🙂