Advance Reader Copies Available Now!

I’m still struggling with the hypertension medicine side effects. Pepto-Bismol is handling one of the worst ones, but I’m still tired most of the time. I laid down yesterday afternoon for a short nap and wound up sleeping until this morning. I need to get that under control because I can’t afford to lose so many days.

Right before I went for the nap, I opened an email from Water Dragon which had links! Digital advance reader copies (ARCs) are available! I’ve never been at this stage of a book before!

What is an ARC? It’s a near-finished version of the book, meant to go out ahead of the release so that some readers can get a taste of it and post reviews. They’re generally sent to magazines and people of influence in the publishing world to further drum up interest and get some buzz started.

Water Dragon already has a list of magazines and organizations to send ARCs to, so the number of copies I have available are basically extra.

I’ve handed out the link for the ARC to two people today, and I have more available. I’m looking for people that are interested in reading it, writing a review, and if they really liked it, help spread the word about it.

And to be clear, I want fair and honest reviews. Don’t write a glowing review if it wasn’t your cup of tea. If you hate it, put that in your review. It really is okay.

Where to write a review? Amazon is probably the best place.

If you’re interested in an ARC for The Repossessed Ghost, let me know!

It’s hard to put into words just how exciting this is for me.