Dragon Gems

Dragon Gems is the line of short fiction published by Water Dragon Publishing. These stories are not necessarily fantasy, and they do not have to have anything to do with gems or dragons. They are tonight’s victim topic, and if you’re in a hurry, I recommend skipping to the Deals on New and Old Releases section where I have some links to some special deals taking place right now.

Why Short Fiction Matters

Not every story needs to be a backbreaker. The scope does not always need to be epic. Unlike some things we can talk about, bigger isn’t always better when it comes to stories.

Short fiction is some of the best fiction out there. Go pick up This is How You Lose the Time War and see for yourself. Or Binti. Or The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. Or Metamorphosis by Kafka. Or a whole bunch of Philip K. Dick’s fiction.

An argument can be made that short fiction is ideal for modern audiences because in a world of TikTok, microblogging, and YouTube shorts, people have shorter attention spans. Maybe there’s something to that, but short fiction has been around a lot longer than the internet.

Short fiction can deliver a satisfying, emotional experience in a very efficient way.

With regards to my writing, I have started six novels, completed three of them, and published The Repossessed Ghost this year. On the other hand, I have written and completed around a dozen or more short stories, novellas, and novelettes. It might be actually be closer to 20.

By the way, since it’s that time of year, you can read Halloween Harvest right on this site. I’m still really pleased with it. And I’ll also remind you that The Repossessed Ghost begins on a fateful Halloween night, and true to the title, involves ghosts. It might satisfy your Halloween craving without being particularly scary.

And, I may have some other nice news with regards to Dragon Gems and my own writing coming up, though it’s too soon to talk about now.

Dragon Gems Matter

For all the reasons I just applied to short fiction, Dragon Gems are a good thing. They are a lower commitment both in terms of time and money, allowing the reader to essentially try out some of the writers published by Water Dragon.

You can get the anthologies. You can also get individual releases. Short fiction in book form. Most of the time when looking for short fiction, you’re either going to find it in online magazines or anthologies. Water Dragon is actually producing short fiction as individual, bite-sized volumes. They’re incredible, and quite popular in any dealer’s room that happens to be hosting a Water Dragon table.

Deals on New and Old Releases

As of today, the Fall 2023 edition of the Dragon Gems anthology is available. Here is a page with links to all the different editions. And, in case you were wondering, it’s a complete coincidence that the day I chose for talking about Dragon Gems is the same day this anthology became available. It’s fate!

Also, for a limited time, digital editions of Winter 2023, Sprint 2023, and Summer 2023 are available for just $0.99. The non-digital editions also appear to be on sale on this page.

So, rush out and try some of this fiction. And if you have an opportunity to leave a comment, tell them I sent you. It won’t get you a discount or anything. I just think it’d be funny.

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