Arisia Day 1 – The Setup

The difference between Boston and Sacramento is 3 hours.

We got in late, and then I had some homework to finish before I went to bed. Boston time, we tried to sleep right around 2AM, which is 11PM Sacramento time. From our body’s perspective, we were trying to sleep a little bit earlier than normal after an intense day of travel. There were no howling cats in our room, so we fell asleep right away.

Then we got up at 7AM Boston time. That’s 4AM Sacramento time. That amounts to about 5 hours of sleep, but it felt more like 3 hours.

That’s how we began the convention.

We went downstairs and had Expensive Hotel Breakfast, which was perfectly fine. When going to these conferences, you have to expect at least one Expensive Hotel meal. At Baycon last year, we brought food and an electric skillet, and we managed to eat much more reasonably. Except for the night we took everyone out, but I try to do that once at every convention, because it makes me feel like a successful author.

What was I saying? Oh yeah. Arisia, Day 1.

Setup in the dealer’s room went relatively smooth. The whole conference is running well, from my perspective. They had a hitch with registration, and it caused a delay of minutes rather than hours. Other conventions I’ve been to, it would have been a critical problem, but Arisia rolled through it. I think they have their stuff together.

We spent most of the day in the dealer’s room, as expected. I talked with a few young writers that came by the table. It was fun geeking out with them about books and writing. One even bought my book.

Sales were a bit low, but I have it on good authority that’s normal for Friday afternoon. We should expect more sales tomorrow. I only brought 10 copies of The Repossessed Ghost, and it would be a fantastic problem to run out.

It’s now a little after 11PM Boston time. The difference of 3 hours is adding up. We need to get up early again tomorrow, and I’m about to pass out at my keyboard.

Before I go, let me tell you that One for the Road is out today.

Here is a link. I’ll spend more time talking about it tomorrow.