What Even Is Thursday?

Today felt like it should have been Friday most of the day, and I’m already exhausted thinking about getting up early tomorrow and finishing my work week. But, the show must go on! And so shall we.

Personal News

After the day I had yesterday, today was sublime. Sure, a cramp in my right calf woke me up, painful enough to make me wonder if I slipped a tendon and resulting in leg pain all day, but at least I wasn’t denied salty tacos from a fast food restaurant!

My card appears to be working and I was able to donate to the Writing Excuses Retreat scholarship program. If you’re a writer and you’re interested in going for free, you still have time to apply.

Upcoming Events and Such

We leave for Boskone exactly 2 weeks from today. I took care of the hotel for Baycon, so that’s all settled for July. I still need to take care of everything for Norwescon, which is in Seattle at the end of March. I put in my vacation requests for all these times. Progress has been made.

Also, I committed Melissa and I to going to the Writing Excuses Cruise later in the year. My wallet will hopefully stop sizzling sometime this weekend.

The Topic: What Even Is Thursday?

Today feels like a non-day, so I’ll go into some of the least favorite topics here at Brian C. E. Buhl dot com. That is, I have some thoughts about the blog itself and this full year challenge.

We’re 25 days into it, and I have no doubt that I can complete this challenge. Not all of the posts will be stellar, and I think that’s okay. Some days, it’s going to be challenging finding something to talk about. That’s also okay.

What I’m thinking about now is what the effect will be of me actually writing something every day this year. Maybe that’s… bad?

This is my main way of putting news and information out in the world. Posting my random daily thoughts does not support those efforts, in that unless I’m willing to repeat myself a lot, some of the things I want to talk about will get lost in the minutia. That’s not great. This is probably one of those cases where less is more.

I am subscribed to a couple of newsletters and when they get too chatty, I skim instead of read. I’m sure that will happen with my daily deluge, if it isn’t happening already. So again, I’m putting more out into the world, and less of it will be seen.

Who cares, though? I’m not making money on this site, and I’m not hurting anyone. This challenge is to keep me sane and keep me productive. If it’s for me, what does it matter if people are reading it or not? In fact, if I’m so concerned about it, why don’t I just make the bulk of these posts private?

The problem is that when it’s private, I lose interest in writing it. I lose the accountability of having this be a public exercise. This feels like something I should be doing out in the open.

I’ll keep going, anyway, as long as I can. I’ll go with my guts and not let the doubts cause me to stumble.

Also, I’m really looking forward to publicly writing a story. I think I want to start it after Boskone, when there’s a little bit of a gap in my schedule. I don’t know what the story will be yet. I’m just excited to get into it. Maybe it’ll help someone. Maybe it’ll help me.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for sticking around. And, with great intention, I look forward to talking to you tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “What Even Is Thursday?

  1. I can’t promise to read every day, but am looking forward to more words in whatever format they come.

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