What Are You Not Doing?

Welcome to February 1st, and the 32nd blog post in a row.

Personal News

With this, I’m feeling accomplished and a little bit tired. I’ve done 31 posts in a row multiple times before, usually in October. Completing the challenge in January with very little prep time fills me with pride. I still wonder at the wisdom of this. But let’s re-evaluate at the end of February.

There’s a pile of Day Job work I still need to do tonight, not because I was overloaded, but because I lacked focus during the day. I’m going to put on some music, maybe louder than required, and see what I can get done.

Upcoming Events and Such

This time next week, Melissa and I will be in Boston. It will be our first Boskone and our second writing event this year. I expect my time will be taken with manning the table in the dealer’s room again. I’m not on any programming, and I probably won’t witness any of the programming because of my obligation to the table. I will have the opportunity to meet other writers and talk craft, though, which is what I enjoy the most at these events.

Some of the hard covers for One for the Road should be in transit now. We will have tons of soft covers of both it and The Repossessed Ghost available in Boston. It would be amazing if it sold well, but I’m going to keep my expectations low. From what I’m told, Boskone is smaller than Arisia.

The Topic: What Are You Not Doing?

We often define ourselves by what we do. I’m a writer. I’m a gamer. I’m a musician. We ask each other, “What do you do for a living?” when we’re trying to get to know each other.

In that context, what does it mean when we aren’t doing the things that define us?

I’m not gaming as much as I would like. I play video games with some of my friends on Wednesday evenings, but that’s not the same, and not the kind of gaming I am referring to. Roleplaying games. Tabletop, social games, where you and some people you get along with get together and play make believe, but with dice, character sheets, and some sort of rules to keep it from devolving into complete chaos. Ostensibly, I’ll be playing in a Pathfinder game this Sunday with Richard and friends, but that game has been canceled and postponed more times than we’ve actually gotten together, and I am not holding my breath it’ll happen Sunday.

Music. I haven’t played my sax in a long time, now. I don’t really have a place to play right now, and I’m not playing with any bands so the motivation to work on something is nonexistent. I’m always thinking it might be nice to work on some covers for a YouTube video or something, but all of that takes time. I also don’t have any reeds right now, but that’s a poor excuse. I could order more reeds. I just haven’t been moved to play.

Some of my friends know I like to build keyboards. There’s a split redox I started a while ago that is not done yet. I need to remove the controller boards and replace them, probably with Teensies. With Chris in the garage now, my space for that kind of tinkering doesn’t exist. I had plans to work on some RC planes and tinker with that, too, but with no builder space, I can’t see that activity taking off.

Finally, there’s writing. On that front, I’m trying to do something, though blogging doesn’t delight me the way writing and revising does. There is no story here. There’s just the topic of the night. Sometimes I try to dress up the words here so that they please me, but that’s not really what this space is about.

Soon, I’ll work on a story here. The more I think about it, the better an idea it seems. I like talking about writing. I like passing on what I’ve learned so far. Writing a story publicly might be one of the best things I can do with my time.

It beats playing solitaire, waiting for the clock to run out.

What are activities that you feel like you should be doing, but you don’t either because of time, money, or space?