This is Why I’m Not a Democrat – 2024

I’m going to talk about politics again. I know some of you hate that, so come by later and I promise* I’ll talk about something else next time.

* Unless something equally momentous compels me

Joe Biden just dropped out of the race.

Joe Biden, a guy famous for gaffes for his entire time in the public light, a guy that has definitely been showing his age, had a very bad night in an important debate, and we had weeks and weeks of coverage stating that Joe should drop out.

Meanwhile, the other guy just went on a rambling, incoherent acceptance speech, praising fictional sociopath Hannibal Lecter and demonstrating how he, too, is old and doesn’t speak so good… that guy gets a pass. No breathless stories about how the twice impeached, rapist, convicted felon should… you know… drop out of the race.

Fine. Great. Cool. Cool.

Here’s what the Democrats should have done. At every turn, they should have run on this administration’s record. They should have stuck with facts, highlighting the actual numbers. The “Fuck Your Feelings” crowd is running purely on feelings, so the Democrats should have crafted a message that is emotionless, succinct, and specific.

They should have talked about the good that’s been done the last four years, and then really talked about how things could be better in the next four. Show us a plan. Give us numbers. Be the big fucking nerds you can and should be, because we’re living in an age where nerds are actually respected. Not only respected… we’re expected to fix the problems of the world. Dems, you should have shown us how you were going to do that.

You should have focused on finance and infrastructure. You should have talked to us about how you’re going to combat corporate greed, which will in turn further drive down inflation. You should know that inflation and high rent are the things that are driving people’s decisions these days. So talk about that.

Instead, we’ve had weeks of divisiveness. We’ve had Pelosi and Schumer using their political double-speak to bring down Joe Biden, because they’re scared he can’t win against “America’s Hitler.” That’s not me saying that, by the way. I’m quoting the Republican V.P. candidate, there.

I’ve heard so much bullshit for the last several weeks about how Joe Biden is unelectable. The main stream media, fueled by corporate greed, failed to leverage the same coverage against the convicted felon and rapist.

So fine. You got your way. Joe Biden’s out. You’d think I’d be happy about that, right? Joe Biden was never my favorite candidate. I’ve been quite vocal about reluctantly ridin’ with Biden. So why do I seem so upset now?

Because the Democrats are short sighted, cowardly idiots that are throwing an election and allowing the worst person possible to have access to power. The country I swore to protect is in jeopardy. All because the Democrats couldn’t keep their shit together.

I will still vote for the Democratic candidate. I’ll do my part. But the Dems have fucked us.

They’ve thrown away the incumbency.

They’ve set up a situation where they have 100 days to come behind a single candidate, hopefully without bloodying each other and allowing Trump to cruise unscathed.

They’ve set up a situation where the focus will be on the electability of the Democratic candidate, rather than highlighting how the Republican wanna-be despot is unelectable.

They’ve set up a situation where they are not highlighting their own plan for the future, which would be a great contrast to Project 2025.

They’re most likely going to get behind Kamala Harris, which means that the American voters will have to overcome racism and sexism. This, during a time where social media is commonly joking/complaining/spreading memes about DEI hires.

Democrats, why did you have to make it so much harder than it needed to be?

If Trump is re-elected, this is why.

One thought on “This is Why I’m Not a Democrat – 2024

  1. I’m reminded of the Will Rogers quote: “I belong to no organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”

    Feels about right for today. 😛

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